Bid Information
Genesee Valley BOCES' Business Office Public Bidding Process
Here is a general overview of the bidding process at GV BOCES. Keep in mind that each bid is unique and follows guidelines specific to the item that is being solicited through the bidding process.
• A bid is necessary when purchases of materials, supplies, or equipment are $20,000 or greater (single item or in aggregate) during any fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).
• Bid openings are held at the GV BOCES LeRoy Services Center located at 80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482 and are opened at the time and date specified in the bid document.
• Bid evaluations are conducted by the requesting department and the Purchasing Agent.
• A recommendation for the award of the bid is presented to the GV BOCES Board of Education by the Chief Financial Officer. The Board usually meets on the third Wednesday of each month. The Board must approve any bid award recommendation before notifying the winning bidder.
Genesee Valley BOCES attempts to make its information accessible to all individuals. If you use special adaptive equipment and encounter problems when using this website, please contact Christine Ceru. We will let you know if the information is available in an alternate format.
For more information, please contact:
Christine Ceru
Purchasing Agent
Email the Purchasing Agent
(585) 344-7516