Why Should You Choose the Early College High School?
The program has matured, becoming broader, offering more college choices, project-based learning, work-based learning experiences, and early college high school experiences. We offer many different pathways that give students the chance to explore multiple career tracks. Through our partnership with Genesee Community College (GCC), we can offer educational building blocks to enhance your skills with concentrated coursework in a particular area of study or create a foundation to further your college career.
Staff at the Early College High School work closely with students to determine a college path that is right for them. But a pathway is not set in stone, a student can switch pathways and keep any college credit earned. As an early college high school, students earn their high school diploma while also earning SUNY college credits in those courses via dual credit options with GCC.
And one of the most appealing advantages of attending the Early College High School is that there is NO COST for the students or families. Tuition, textbooks, and technology, the three Ts, are covered!